Chronic venous insufficiency is usually diagnosed by mapping the Duplex vein. In the first phase, chronic venous insufficiency is not dangerous although painful. The doctor strives to reduce the pain and swelling and presents you with preventive measures. In the second phase with formed skin lesions, the disease is serious and it is urgent to start the treatment. The diseased veins are treated with a compression therapy with socks in order to compress the veins from the outside and prevent the flow of blood towards the ankles. We also perform sclerotherapy which seals the vein so it can no longer carry blood, so it directs the blood into healthy veins in the area. The classical procedure that requires anaesthesia refers to the removal of the entire vein. The hospitalization is usually extended to 2 days. At the area of procedure, bruising and pain occur.
Veins may also be treated with an endovenous laser or radio frequency therapy. Through heat, the vein shrinks and can no longer carry blood. The advantage of this method is the rapid recovery and the patient will be able to stand on his/her feet immediately after the procedure. A compression stocking will allow him/her to move freely. There usually is not a great amount of pain, except for the feeling of stiffness in the thigh due to the shortened vein treatment.